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During the pandemic, the World Health Organisation (WHO) stated that the prevalence of anxiety and depression have increased by at least 25%. Signs and symptoms of depression and anxiety have been reported in nearly 56% of young adults. Due to the increase in prevalence of mental health disorders and pandemic stressors, lifestyles have been altered.
The GUT-BRAIN axis Read More »
Sleep apnoea is one of those vague diseases that most people have heard of but rarely do they know what the disease entails This post is an attempt to demistify Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) In South Africa it is estimated that 23% of the adult population (age 30 -69) has Sleep Apnoea – that is
Obstructive sleep apnoea Read More »
If you are an adult there is a big likelihood that you have encountered a loss of sleep at some stage during your life. Poor sleep can be caused by many factors e.g situational stressors like starting a new job; an environmental stressor like a new baby in the house, illness or certain medications For