Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is exactly what the name implies – it refers to issues with your digestive system and specifically pain in your abdominal area (Stomach area) that you frequently experience together with a change in your bowel habits. 

Everyone’s gut is so unique – it affects people in different ways: someone may get issues with diarrhoea or very water stools and someone else might get with a problem with constipation or hard stools. There are also some instances where one person can struggle with both extremes. Other symptoms that you might experience is bloatedness, tiredness and cramping.

There is such a strong connection between your Digestive tract (Gut) and you Brain that we have given this system a name: Gut-Brain-axis. It refers to the direct communication between these two systems and how they influence each other. It is believed that this close relationship plays a significant role in the presentation of IBS. Therefore, it is important that your healthcare provider can help you identify any triggers in this area and can help to make sure you implement successful strategies to reduce the effects of stress or emotional pressure on your body.

It is important if you suspect that you have IBS that you see your GP to make sure there aren’t any other underlying conditions or diseases like Coeliac disease or Chron’s disease. If you both feel confident that your body is otherwise healthy, then the next step would be to see a dietitian that can help you look at your food intake and how it affects your gut. Research shows that it is more effective to work with a dietitian in cases where you have to make new dietary changes (1). 

The ideal setting is where your Doctor and Dietitian work together to treat your symptoms and support you on your lifelong journey to help you understand what affects you personally and how you can manage it for life.

Do not let IBS symptoms take over your life – there are ways it can be managed to help you lead a fulfilling life – give yourself the best chance by walking the road with your health care providers. By learning about your body and the condition, you increase your understanding – letting you be more in control.

Contact us at ColabHealth to start your unique journey!

References and infographic

Rentia Lombard 066 339 4396

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