
Will we see a large monkeypox outbreak?

The short answer is - it is extremely unlikely

Monkeypox is a Double stranded DNA virus that occurs mostly in rodents but also in tree squirrels and some non-human primates.
It is a self-limiting disease resolving in 2 – 4 weeks. Severe illness can be seen in infants and immunocompromised individuals but is rarely fatal. If you are >40 years of age and had a smallpox vaccine as a child this will likely offer some protection.
Clinical presentation: It normally starts with a fever and swollen lymph nodes and then a rash will develop within 1-3 days
The rash of monkeypox is not painful or itchy unlike other vesicular rashes. A person is contagious from the onset of the rash until all scabs have fallen off. Other non-specific viral symptoms can also be present
Diagnosis can be made via a dry swab, blood test or rash/lesion biopsy - depending on the phase of the illness.
How does is spread: Close contact with an infected person (droplet spreading and possibly sexually). Also contact with an infected animal e.g in the exotic animal trade

Picture Source: Lancet Laboratories

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