
Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is a very important vitamin in the human body. Our body needs Vitamin B12 to produce new cells and we also need it for our nervous system to function. 

What is a deficiency – :”A deficiency means that your body does not have as much of something as it needs.”

We primarily get Vitamin B12 from our food and it gets absorbed in our stomach. Sometimes this process is faulty and then we can develop a deficiency. Some people also develop a deficiency if they aren’t taking in enough through their diet.

What are the symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency

In the initial phase these symptoms might be vague like tiredness, pins-and-needles in our hands and feet

As the deficiency get worse, the symptoms also worsen. You can have memory problems, weakness in your muscles, confusion

What foods contains Vitamin B12:

  • Certain meat, fish, eggs, and milk

For a more detailed list please contact Rentia (our Dietitian) for an appointment at RL.Dietitians@gmail.com 

What do I do if I think I might have a deficiency

Book an appointment with Dr Mignon

More information:      Vitamin B12 – UpToDate

For those of our readers who prefer videos – We have included a short education video about Vitamin B12 deficiency from Youtube. Enjoy!

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