Do I have a Vitamin deifciency?
Obesity has been recognised by the American Association of Endocrinologists as a chronic disease since 2012. The description has also been simplified by renaming it as Adipose Based Chronic Disease. Being Obese is not simply being “fat”. It mainly has to do with abnormal distribution…
Will we see a large monkeypox outbreak? The short answer is – it is extremely unlikely Monkeypox is a Double stranded DNA virus that occurs mostly in rodents but also in tree squirrels and some non-human primates. It is a self-limiting disease resolving in 2…
Pain Chronic pain is such a complex condition that is often mismanaged. Patients often get told that it is “all in their head”, to just “get over it” or “not to complain all the time” If you have chronic pain – please consult with your…
croup Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that affects the upper airways. Children, especially under the age of 5, are the most susceptible to develop complications in the form of bronchiolitis/croup from RSV RSV peaks in winter and with the sudden cold front…
There has been some confusion regarding exercise post COVID-19 infection. These recommendations have evolved over the last 2 years as the virus mutated and vaccines became more widely used. The new recommendations have furthermore also been updated as new studies became available. The short answer…